10 miraculous foods to fight Aging

Everyone wants to stay young irrespective of their age. Some would say it can only be possible if one is a vampire, well i would say it can be possible if one carries out some daily routines of exercises and also has a wonderful diet plan which involves what i call “miraculous foods” which fight aging. These miraculous foods are


source: wholeliving,com

They contain folate, calcium, and other nutrients that support bone health, protect against cognitive decline, and help prevent age-related eye problems. Diets high in cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli and cabbage, help reduce risk of memory loss and cancer.


source: tpt.com

Rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, whole grains can lower the risk of age-related illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Because they’re digested more slowly than processed grains, they also help prevent high blood sugar and diabetes.


source: wholeliving.com

Blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries are rich in antioxidant compounds known as anthocyanins, which have been shown to slow the growth of certain cancers as well as improve brain function, muscle tone, and balance.


source: realfoodforlife.com

Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory monounsaturated fat, olive oil figures prominently in the Mediterranean diet. It may explain the lower rates of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and age-related cognitive decline in people who follow this way of eating.


source: healthetimes.com

Certain red fruits — including tomatoes — contain lycopene, an antioxidant compound that helps maintain youthful skin texture and may reduce the risk of some types of cancer (especially prostate, lung, and stomach cancers) and heart disease.


source: naturalhealth365.com

Varieties such as almonds and walnuts contain a generous helping of healthy fats, vitamins, and protein that benefit cardiovascular and brain health. Nuts are also high in compounds that ease inflammation.


source: whisperingirls.com

Grapes contain an antioxidant called resveratrol, which been shown to extend the lives of lab animals. Resveratrol has anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties, which may explain why red wine and purple grape juice also help promote heart health.


source: health.com

An important part of the Japanese and Mediterranean diets, oily fish provide omega-3 fatty acids that help combat inflammation in the body. People who eat several weekly servings of such fish have a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease and stroke.

9. TEA

source: myhealthyeatingfacts.com

Of the various types of tea, white and green tea contain the most EGCG, one of the most powerful antioxidants. Numerous studies have linked tea consumption to lower rates of conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.


source: yourmedicalstop.com

Spices such as turmeric and ginger contain anti-inflammatory compounds that might reduce the risk of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease. The antioxidant substances in garlic and onions can protect against heart disease and cancer; cinnamon may help lower blood sugar.


source: wholeliving.com

The Worst first date mistakes.

If you have been a victim of a terrible date, then you have been making one of these mistakes, check out the list and find out your flaws and how to rock the next date.

Mistake 1: You Played Hard to get.

Your friends might tell you that playing hard to get is the key to securing a guy, but the last time they went on a date was when they were 14. Don’t play hard to get. It will turn your date off and even if they did like you, by the time it’s time to pay the bill they’ll have lost that loving feeling.

What to do on your next first date: Don’t act as if you are head-over-heels in love with your date, but do give them signals that you’re interested. Touch their arm gently or look into their eyes for a few seconds and smile. Little hints like this are enough to keep them interested.


Mistake 2: Wandering Eyes

Even if the hottest man you have ever seen or the sexiest woman in the world walks in to the bar where you and your date are having a drink, be strong and do not check them out. Your date will be aware that a gorgeous guy or girl entered the bar too and they will probably watch you to gauge your reaction. If you stare at them, drooling over their toned behind, your date will be hurt, humiliated and might assume you lack loyalty.

What to do on your next first date: If you really are desperate to gawk, just wait five minutes and excuse yourself whilst you go to the bathroom. Then, when you make your way back to your table admire the hottie in secret.


Mistake 3: You asked Permission

There is nothing more off-putting than having someone ask for your permission to kiss them. It shows you lack confidence, assertiveness and, if you have to ask, the moment clearly isn’t right. Although, on no account, should you be too aggressive, asking to kiss someone is a classic first date mistake.

What to do on your next first date: Try to work out why you ask permission. If you ask permission because you lack confidence read some tips on how to be a better kisser. Also don’t over-think the moment because, despite the hype, the first kiss isn’t the be all and end all.


Mistake 4: Be silent and mysterious

Although the brooding and silent type of guy and girl seems sexy in movies, in real life you just come across as aloof, arrogant or painfully shy. Instead of being silent, you need to showcase your personality. A study undertaken at Iowa University found that those couples who had similar personalities were more likely to stay together longer.

What to do on your next first date: Scrap the attitude and instead talk about topics that show the person you’re dating who you are and what you are like. Not only will your date be more interested in you, you’ll probably have more fun as well.


Mistake 5: Talk about how you cheated

One of the worst first date mistakes is to talk about how you cheated on your ex. In a study undertaken by researchers at Cornell University it was found that the trait both men and women rated highest was fidelity. In fact, being faithful was ranked as being more important than attraction, wealth and status.

What to do on your next first date: Avoid talking about your ex and don’t mention that you broke their heart because of your night-time antics with the girl or guy next door. Although you’ll have to tell them the truth at some point, the first date is not the time or the place.


Mistake 6: You Moaned

So, you’ve had a terrible year, but do you really think a first date is the right moment to offload? People want to be around others who make them feel good and are fun. If your date leaves feeling low, depressed and in need of a stiff drink after spending the evening with you, there is no chance that you will be getting a second date.

What to do on your next first date: If you’re too low to control your feelings and you’re not in a great place, starting a relationship is a bad idea. Be brave and address any issues that are holding you and your happiness back before starting to date again.


Mistake 7: You ask them what they want to call your children

Dates are all about flirting and fun; not pressure, commitment and life plans. Although you need to ask engaging questions, asking your date whether they would be happy to convert their children to the catholic faith is going too far. Avoid talking about having a future together or asking them their views on such personal and difficult issues.

What to do on your next first date: Think about why you ask in-depth, personal questions. Is it because you’re desperate to settle down? If you are, just remember that those questions will just drive the person away, so try to relax and enjoy yourself.


Mistake 8: You bring in the “Ex Factor”

I’ve seen too many dinner dates that start out great only to end up being over before the main course has arrived. Why? Because too many people bring their exes to the table with them. This includes not only former spouses and lovers, but jobs, too. No one wants to hear about your sad past on a first date.

What to do on your next first date:

Always try to keep it light and fun. Talk about your favorite film, play, vacation spot, book, or what you enjoy doing on the weekends.


Mistake 9: You dress for the bedroom

Men are visual creatures and they can imagine undressing women with their eyes the moment they meet. This doesn’t mean that women should wear a sexy low-cut outfit showing off lots of cleavage. Men like to slowly unwrap a package, so to speak. Unless you’re just looking for a hook-up, women should leave the sexy clothes for when they really are ready for a more intimate relationship.

What to do on your next first date:

Dress decently. don’t show so much skin so as not to create distractions during the date.


Mistake 10: You always attend to your phone

Sure, you connect with others online. You can even use MatchMobile™ while you’re on the go. But when you get to your date, put your smartphone in your pocket or purse and leave it there. It shouldn’t be a visible accessory on your date. Otherwise, it will give the impression that you are waiting for a better invitation to come in.

What to do on your next first date:

Avoid the urge to check your messages and text a friend while you’re on a date, in fact keep your phone in your bag and it should be in silent mode or switched off.


Mistake 11: You always bring your friends along

This is a big NO, no matter how close you are to your friends, never take them with you to a date. It’s not a party or a picnic, It is a DATE.

What to do on your next first date:

Leave your friend at home.


Mistake 12: You disrespect everything

Please whenever you are on a date with someone try as much as you can not to disrespect anyone, anyplace or anything whatsoever because it might turn out to be your dates favorite or  he/she might have a kind of link to it.

What to do on your next first date:

Do talk nice and be polite.



source: realbuzz.com, datingtips.match.com,metro.co.uk



All the positions, fortunes, celebrities disappear as a snow flake that melts on the black asphalt of death. So does beauty too. And what else remains if not the piece of love that once existed in this great il or in this dream called life?

Sorin Cerin

Twitter rolling out new Web design

Twitter users will be seeing a new look on their desktops and laptops soon, one that will look familiar if they also use the app on their smartphones.

In a post Monday afternoon, Twitter announced “a refreshed twitter.com reflecting the look & feel of our iOS & Android apps.”

The look won’t be a change for some users. Twitter has been testing out the new design on about 1% of people who use the site, studying their habits and making tweaks before rolling it out to everyone.

The main change, other than aesthetics, is a built-in “compose” box in the left rail of the Web page. The new location eliminates the old pop-up style compose box and appears to be a way for Twitter to encourage more users to actually tweet instead of just browse.

Twitter has said in the past that as many as 40% of its users are “lurkers,” folks who read what others post but don’t share anything themselves.

Users also will see their profile and header photos at the top of a rail on the left of the page. The main Twitter feed appears to be largely unchanged.

The new design had not appeared for all users as of Tuesday. Twitter didn’t offer a specific timetable,